How does EL-FIT work?

  • EL-FIT delivers an exercise prescription and tracks training efforts through a smartphone, so that patients can remotely exercise at their convenience.

  • EL-FIT was specifically designed for patients with cirrhosis and advanced liver disease.

  • Some of its features include:

    1. Educational videos, for both patients and their providers, where interesting facts about exercise and liver disease are shared

    2. Exercise videos for all types of patients, from frail to robust

    3. Pairing with a physical activity tracker or wearable to monitor training progress

    4. Motivational or gamification widgets to incentivize training

    5. Interaction with trainer for goal adjustments and with other advanced liver disease patients in the EL-FIT community to challenge and congratulate.

  • The exercise videos are organized in three intensity sections 

    1. Strength and Mobility Training for the sickest patients

    2.  Low-Intensity Training for more active patients

    3. Moderate-Intensity Training for those that are already able to exercise.

  • A final section on balance buildup and other miscellaneous workouts is also available for patients in the Low- and Moderate-Intensity groups.

  • We want EL-FIT to be a comprehensive physical activity program, and our aim is to battle physical inactivity by promoting both exercising and increasing activities of daily living.